Playlist 23 de Maio de 2008

1ª hora:

Northwind (Falconer)
En Natt I Nord (Midnattsol)
Asylum (To-Mera)
The Rise (Urban Tales)

Flashback da semana: A Small Deadly Space (Fight)Gretna Greene

Bull Rider (Bulldozer)
Kill It (Helloween)
Bliss Of Solitude (Isole)
Full Of Emptiness (Nocturnal Symphony)

2ª hora:

Goodbyes To Waste (Dark Tales)
If Only (Ebony Ark)

Disco da semana: Global Warning (Jon Oliva’s Pain)Global Warning
Walk Upon The Water
You Never Know

March To The Shore (In Flames)
Rise (New Mecanica)
Fears Won’t Bring A Change (All Against The World)
All This Is A Lie (Primordial Melody)


DISCO DA SEMANA VN2000 #11/2025: Resist (ADMIRE THE GRIM) (Inverse Records)

MÚSICA DA SEMANA VN2000 #11/2025: Reliance (DESTROYERS OF ALL) (Independente)

GRUPO DO MÊS VN2000 #03/2025: Ethereal (Independente)