
Entrevista com Audiovision

Review: Focus (Audiovision)

Review: Horn Triskelion (Gwydion)

Playlist 25 de Março de 2010

Review: Ripples (Aspera)

Review: Old Dogs, New Tricks (Picture)

Playlist 18 de Março de 2010

Review: The Neverending Way Of ORwarriOR (Orphaned Land)

Review: Desert Call (Myrath)

Playlist 11 de Março de 2010

Review: Greed (Silent Call)

Entrevista com N.O.W.

Playlist 04 de Março de 2010

Review: All Those Strangers (Vain)

DISCO DO ANO 2024 - Categoria Hard Rock (Internacional): Κυκεώνας (KHIRKI) (Venerate Industries)

MÚSICA DA SEMANA #04/2025 VN2000: On The Verge Of Becoming A Shadow (SACRED) (Stormspell Records)