
Entrevista com Angelus Apatrida

Review: Nemesis Divine (Gallows End)

Entrevista com Mindlock

Review: Lady Of Shalott (A Dream Of Poe)

Playlist 17 de Junho de 2010

Entrevista com Common Fluid

Review: Blessed & Cursed (Devil Sold His Soul)

Review: Enemy Of Silence (Mindlock)

Playlist 10 de Junho de 2010

Review: Shadowcast (Insidious Disease)

Entrevista com Painted Black

Review: Angel Of Babylon (Avantasia)

Review: A Star-Crossed Wasteland (In This Moment)

Playlist 03 de Junho de 2010

Review: Mute (Demians)

Entrevista com InnerWish

DISCO DO ANO 2024 - Categoria Metal (Nacional): Under The Southern Light (TOXIKULL) (Dying Victims)

MÚSICA DE SEMANA VN2000 #07/2025: Broken Hopes (LUCID DREAM) (Independente)

GRUPO DO MÊS VN2000 #02/2025: In Chaos (Independente)